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At Evolve Chiropractic & Rehab, we know every injury and ailment is unique - unique to the cause and unique to the individual. Our treatment options aim to address the full spectrum of health concerns, from common daily ailments to more complex medical conditions or concerns. While the most common services are listed below, Dr. Klatt offers comprehensive medical reviews to explore any and all health concerns you or your family may face.

X-Ray Results

Over the course of nine months your body will be going though a lot of changes. Aches and pains don’t have to be one of them. With our comprehensive treatment approach utilizing chiropractic adjustments, rehabilitative therapy and kinesiotape we can help make your pregnancy smoother and more comfortable. Dr. Derek has years of experience treating women at every stage of pregnancy, in addition to helping with unique circumstances like flipping breech babies. It's often a surprise how good patients can feel with just a little routine maintenance. 



Fussiness, torticollis (head stuck to one side), constipation, bed wetting - all common issues that may be helped with chiropractic care. Plus, at a young age, benefits of treatment can often be seen much faster than with adults. And don't worry - treatments are gentle and safe for even the youngest of patients. With over five years treating children from birth to teenage years, you can have the peace of mind that you are in good hands.



Whether you have daily tension headaches or debilitating migraines, chiropractic care is a great treatment option. Dr. Derek works to evaluate and identify the cause of your headaches and works with you on how you can manage then with at home treatment. Patients experiencing headaches typically respond well when combining chiropractic adjustments, therapeutic exercise and at home stretching/life style modifications.



One of the most common forms of injuries adults will experience is lower back pain. Through an in-depth examination, Dr. Derek will find the root cause of your pain and put you on the best plan to get you feeling better. He'll work to balance additional rehab with education on at-home treatment options so that you have the tools you need to keep it that way.


Low Back Pain

The shoulder is a very complex joint with may forms of injuries that can occur to the area. Rest assured that Dr. Derek has a strong background working through shoulder therapy, which may include approaches such as therapeutic exercise, kinesiotape, or other myofascial release techniques. Whether it is an old problem or a new one, he'll put together a plan that fits your specific need.



Whether you’re a high school athlete or a weekend warrior, we know sports injuries happen. With our comprehensive approach to injury treatemtent we can help get you back on the field or back in the gym as soon as possible. Plus, we'll equip you with the tools to help prevent a re-injury. Typical injuries treated include but are not limited to: lower back strains, ankle sprains, knee sprains, and rotator cuff inuries.



Numb or tingling hands? It's not something you have to live with. The treatments provided in our office have been shown to be effective in addressing carpal tunnel syndrome. Your treatment may include chiropractic adjustments to the neck (nerves from the neck go to the hands), nerve flossing and myofascial release to reduce nerve compression in the shoulder or forearm area.



We are now accepting new patients at Evolve Chiropractic & Rehab in Harrisburg SD.  Click below to schedule your appointment directly with Dr. Derek Klatt or give us a call to setup your first appointment. 


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225 N. Cliff Suite 6

Harrisburg, SD 57032

(605) 767-1610

© 2020 by Evolve Chiropractic & Rehab

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